Monday, November 7, 2011

Gulab Jamun


MTR Jamun mix - 1 packet
Cardamom - 4
Sugar - 300 grams
Oil - to fry

Sugar syrup Method

1. Boil water in a vessel
2. Add sugar to water

3. Boil till it comes to syrup consistency
4. Add Cardamom when it boils

Jamun Method

1. Put the MTR Jamun mix in a bowl and seive it with hands to ensure that there are no hard flour
2. Mix water little by little and prepare a soft dough
3. Take a small quantity of this dough, apply ghee in palm and prepare small balls. Ensure that the ghee gets blended with the small balls. This will leave the balls in proper shape while frying
4. Prepare small size balls as it will become big after frying
5. Heat oil in kadai, keep it in medium flame and fry all the jamuns
6. When the jamun balls cool down, add this to the sugar syrup and leave it soaked for 5-6 hours
7. Soft and Tasty Jamuns are ready!!!

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