Saturday, June 9, 2012

Carrot Halwa

Ingredients -

Carrot - 5 (Grated)
Milk - 2 cups
Sugar - 1 cup (add more if needed)
Cardamon - 6 (powdered)
Cashew - 1 table spoon
Ghee - 1 table spoon

Method -
  1. In a heavy bottomed vessel, add the Grated Carrots
  2. Fry for 2 min
  3. Add the 2 cups of Milk and close with lid; Let it cook for 30 min; Stir in between
  4. Cook till Milk reduces to half the quantity
  5. Add Sugar and Powdered Cardamon; Stir well and cook till the Milk completely mixes with Carrot and comes to Halwa consistency
  6. In a small vessel, heat the Ghee and fry the Cashews
  7. Add the Fried cashews along with Ghee to the Halwa and stir for 10 min
Yummy Carrot Halwa is ready!!!

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